The feud between Daryl Dixon and Savior lieutenant Dwight has lasted a total of three seasons. Their feud started from something that was accidental, to becoming very major as the time went by. This week, I highlight the feud between Dwight and Daryl on my miniseries, Feuds of the Dead.

While the group was trying to get the massive horde of walkers away from Alexandria, Daryl, Abraham, and Sasha were luring walkers to another direction. All three of them were suddenly shot at by The Saviors and Daryl lost track of the both of them while they were shooting. Daryl then rode into a burned down forest and had a slightly brutal accident. He did however, took down a walker. After this, Daryl inspects the area until Sherry and Tina appeared and Dwight knocked him out with an object. All three of them held Daryl as a captive since they thought he was a Savior. Dwight orders him to say nothing and Daryl kept telling him that he needs to go back to his community. They walk for a bit and hide because they did not want to be seen by The Saviors since Dwight, Sherry, and Tina are the ones they are actually looking for since they stolen medicine and ran away. Dwight sees Wade cutting off an arm of another Savior since he was bitten. They then go to the cabin that was burned down to give Tina medicine and Tina was bitten by a walker. Daryl took down that walker, and Sherry had to put down Tina. As they were about to depart and split away, Dwight and Sherry demands Daryl to give them his crossbow and motorcycle. Daryl gave it to them.
One month later, Daryl, Rosita, and Denise went on a supply run. After Denise got a soda can, she argues with them both and out of nowhere, a crossbow bolt pierces her skull as she got Abraham’s comic book death thanks to Dwight. Dwight and The Saviors appeared with Eugene as their hostage, and Dwight has a burn on the side of his face. He introduces himself again and demanded Daryl and Rosita their location. As Eugene told Dwight that Abraham is near, Dwight told The Saviors to look for him. While Dwight was not looking, Eugene took a bite on his crotch and next thing you know, a gun battle between those Saviors and Daryl, Abraham, and Rosita happened. Dwight was about to get bit by a walker, but he shot that walker down. Dwight and the rest of those Saviors retreated as Daryl got his crossbow back.

While Michonne and Glenn were in the forest, they heard whistles from The Saviors. It was Dwight that made the call for them to be captured. If there is one thing I should say, is that there is a lot of capturing going on during this feud. Daryl and Rosita found both of them, but Glenn tried to warn both of them to get away from the area. Dwight sneaked up on Daryl and shot him in the shoulder as he and Rosita are captured. Later that night, almost every member of Rick’s group is surrounded by a large group of The Saviors. Simon ordered Dwight to get Michonne, Glenn, Rosita, and Daryl, who is still wounded, out of the van to join Rick and the rest. Negan makes his introduction and told Rick about the “new world order.” We know how this went. Negan picked Abraham to meet his demise by lucille. After Negan taunted Rosita, Daryl punched Negan. Then, a few Saviors put Daryl on the ground as Negan shouted ” Not one bit of that **** flys here.” Dwight, now in possesion of Daryl’s crossbow again, asks Negan if he can kill him right there. Negan told Dwight to not kill him. Daryl is then put back at the line as Negan killed Glenn due to the fact that he said that he would shut it down if someone tries to come after him again. In the morning after Negan took Rick for a hunting trip and broken Rick much more, He ordered Dwight to place Daryl in one of their vans to take him back to The Sanctuary as their prisoner.

At The Sanctuary, Daryl is forced to do yard work and chores as the other prisoners. Negan wanted Dwight to not only break Daryl, but to also convince him to join The Saviors. Daryl did not break even though he had to endure too much torture and declined to join as he is not “Negan” at all. Even Sherry did not want to see Daryl as a prisoner either. When Negan and The Saviors went to Alexandria for their first pickup, they brought Daryl there to not only parade him around, but to show Rick and everyone what they did to him. Daryl did not say a word while this whole visit happened. Then, we are back at The Sanctuary as Daryl sees that Negan is with Carl Grimes. And later that day, they all witnessed Negan burning Mark’s side of the face with an iron due to him sleeping with one of Negan’s wives, who was also with Mark before they became a Savior.
Some time later while Negan and a number of The Saviors were at Alexandria, Daryl killed Fat Joey, and escaped The Sanctuary to go to The Hilltop. It was there where he reunited with Rick and everyone else as he also given them intel about The Sanctuary. Daryl is then placed at The Kingdom as Simon and The Saviors went to Alexandria to look for Daryl. It is here that Richard given Daryl a new crossbow to use (PSE Fang model) and to plan to strike The Saviors. But when the both of them were by themselves, Daryl beats the crap out of Richard because of the way Richard talked about Carol along with the fact that he wanted to alert them. Meanwhile at The Sanctuary, Dwight placed the blame on Daryl and Sherry’s disappearence on Dr. Carson and Negan had him burned to death at the furnace. Dwight also started to become a double agent as he wanted Negan to be taken down too. Dwight meets with Rosita as she takes him to the cell at Alexandria. Daryl wanted to kill Dwight right there, but Rick told him not to because they need him for information. Daryl vows to kill Dwight after they kill Negan.

At the battle at Alexandria Dwight left a note to Daryl telling him that he did not know that the attack would happen. Back at The Sanctuary, Negan declares war against all of the other communities. Rick, Jesus, Ezekiel, Maggie, and the rest were prepared for it. But to keep them prepared, Dwight was still acting as a double agent. He and Daryl used their crossbow bolts to send messages to eachother of the locations of their outposts. All of the outposts were attacked before, during, and after the attack at The Sanctuary. After The Saviors were trapped at The Sanctuary due to the attack and the fact that there are hundreds of walkers outside, Dwight, Simon, Regina, Gavin, and Eugene talk about the current situation of how it happened as they suspect that there is a mole within the group. After this, Eugene and Dwight talked about how he should keep his tracks hidden or he would be exposed.

Once they get things back in order, Negan launches an attack at Alexandria as he and The Saviors bombed the entire place with grenade launchers. At the same time, More Saviors blocked the road on the other side. While they had their gun battle with Daryl, Tara, Maggie and the rest, Dwight turned on The Saviors by shooting them down. Laura found out about this as it happened and she ran away afterwards. Dwight then explained his actions to Daryl, Rosita, and Tara and told them that he cannot go back to them. Dwight still wanted to help them and by Daryl taking back his vest and Stryker crossbow back again, that means that he will still accept Dwight’s help.

A few days later, Daryl, Rosita, Siddiq, Tara and other members needed to cross the lake to get to the other side without being seen by The Saviors. Dwight helped them across, but they still could not trust him yet. Tara was about to kill him, but Dwight rejoined The Saviors as he also did this because he and Tara were about to be caught seen. Dwight returns to The Sanctuary as Simon wanted to attack Hilltop now since Negan was missing. This was after Simon ordered The Saviors to kill all of the members of Jadis’ scavengers at The Junkyard. The battle of Hilltop started at night, and they all did the plan that Negan told them to do before he went missing and that was, to infect all of their weapons with walker blood so that way when they use their weapons against their opponents, they will all turn. Everyone did this except Dwight as he used a compound bow to shoot Tara with a clean arrow. Tara figured out that Dwight was still on their side because she did not turn like everyone else that got hit with those weapons did. Daryl still did not trust him. Meanwhile, Laura told Negan about Dwight turning on The Saviors and Dwight was not the prisoner that Daryl was before. On the final battle of the war, Eugene’s plan to sabotage all the bullets worked and it gave time for Dwight to fight Negan. But that did not end there as Rick was the one to end the war by slicing Negan’s throat as the rest of The Saviors surrendered.
Elsewhere, Daryl took Dwight to a forest. It is quite telling that the beginning of their feud started in a forest, and the end was in a forest. Dwight thought that Daryl was going to kill him. But Daryl spared his life and exiled him. He told Dwight to look for Sherry and to never return ever again or else he will kill him to end the feud.
For a feud that lasted a long time on The Walking Dead, this one had a better payoff than the Rick and Negan feud. Since Daryl eventually became a leader and Dwight crossing over to Fear The Walking Dead, who knows if their paths will ever cross again in this world.
I will return next week for the final feud of this mini-article series Feuds of the Dead!
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