Movie Review: Scorn

Scorn tells the story of three people that has a passion of the film industry as they are all planning their next film. The film stars Lindsley Register (as Zoey), who is known as Laura on AMC’s The Walking Dead, Alexandar McPherson as Liam, and Daniel Ellis as Merrick. What happens when these three come together to make their film, you will find out now in my review of Scorn.

Zoey is the girlfriend of Liam, and they are coming back from the premiere party of Liam’s recent film as Zoey and Liam talked about the premiere and the fact that Liam was talking to one of the co-stars of his film, Olivia. They have an argument over that and his alcohol use since he was drinking at the party, and now their house. Then, here comes Merrick as he entered the house. Merrick wanted to cast Liam and Zoey as leads for a future film that he is producing. The key thing here during this sequence, is that Merrick was also at the premiere and he seen Liam not only talking to Olivia, but he seen them both go upstairs and away from the view. Scorn starts to pick up here when you Merrick placed the cocaine on the table and Zoey was really testing Liam here to see if he will do it after she did it. After they did that, they begin to talk about their love lives and their past. Also to note, Liam’s former lover was killed before he meet Zoey, but more of that soon. They started going over the scenes of his film. They talk about this while Liam is riding a bicycle around the living room.

Liam then received a phone call as he was told that his pilot has been green lit and the production will begin in Georgia soon. This was exciting news. Merrick then wanted both Zoey and Merrick to rehearse their scenes. One of those scenes that were rehearsed, had a version where Zoey and Liam had to do their lines and the same scene again, but with Zoey without any clothes on afterwards. It is at this point where I thought that Merrick wanted to plot to break them up. The next time they rehearsed that scene, it got intense as they were talking to eachother in character in a way that mirrored their current situation in their relationship. Also, bonus points for that glass breaking because I like the sound of glass breaking. Liam wanted to be with Olivia, and Zoey confronted him about it after Merrick told Zoey about Liam cheating on Zoey with Olivia. Merrick then decided to kiss Zoey and she pushed away. At this moment, I wanted Merrick out of the room and so did Liam as he yelled for Merrick to get out the house since he figured out that Merrick wanted to be with Zoey. Both Liam and Zoey talked about the scene that they rehearsed as they both felt that they were actually talking to eachother in that rehearsal and not their characters.

Liam told Zoey that he does not want to be with her anymore as he wants to be with Olivia for various reasons. Zoey did not want to break up with him. Then, blood comes out his mouth suddenly. We find out here that the drink that Liam had was meant for Olivia as it was spiked. Liam fell to the floor and Zoey tried to save him. It is revealed here, that Zoey also killed Liam’s former lover. Liam dies, and Zoey says that they both belong together as she use a knife on herself to commit suicide as the film ends.

Scorn not only showcases the struggles of creating your own show or movie ideas, it also brings awareness of how dark hollywood can get that meets beyond the eye. For an independent film, I thought the theme and tone was brought to light very well as there are positives and negatives of the industry. Lindsley Register’s potential is also really shown here as she made a believer out of me during the whole film. I also like the rest of the cast as well on the film and it also makes me wonder, what else happens in this indursty that is not shown to light. I enjoyed Scorn and this is a film that should not be missed. If you have a little over an hour to spare, check Scorn out on Amazon Prime.

Check out my interview with Lindsley Register and director Jonathan Kirk on this interview I had with the both of them below.

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