“Tokyo Gundam Project 2012” is an event to promote “Green” in Tokyo’s waterfront areas by the image of “Flower Gundam”, RX-78-2 Gundam covered with flowers and green. The event will start at Diver City Tokyo where the 1/1 RG RX-78-2 Gundam & Gundam Front Tokyo is located in Odaiba on July 14, as part of the National Urban Greenery Fair Tokyo. A promotion image video which will be screened at the event “Flower Gundam Activates!” was advance released on YouTube.
Gundam Front Tokyo Theme Park
Gundam Front Tokyo Theme Park
Gundam theme park in Japan opening on 19 Apr 2012.
“Gundam Front Tokyo” is a small theme park that will open in Odaiba, located near the life-size Gundam statue that has been re-erected. There will be a free exhibition area that includes display of Gunpla and a shop for you to purchase them. In addition, there will be a paid area where visitors would need to pay a small fee to enter and see cool Gundam exhibits that are put on display.
We were there in 2009 when it was built and in 2010 went to Shizuoka to see it there and next year we will be back to see it in it’s final spot!