When the COVID19 pandemic began to shut down cities across the world, millions and millions of americans from the start to now were uncertain with the future as if how normalcy will return. What also rised, is the brutal treatment of civilians by the police force in select locations of the United States. Speaking particularly of the death of George Floyd by the four policemen, it sparked an outrage online and in social gatherings to the level that we have not seen in quite some time.
These reactions have lead to protests around the world in support of George Floyd, and of the #blacklivesmatter movement. During these protests, We have seen looting, and the police overstepped their boundaries towards protestors. The four policemen have been fired from their positions, and is currently in jail awaiting trial. Now why would I bring this up? Because in the universe of The Walking Dead, something similar to that happened in the comic book series.

On issue #183 of The Walking Dead titled “And Michonne Without Her Sword,” Michonne and Elodie were called for help because an officer was being attacked. When they reached back to the city part of The Commonwealth, what was seen is that there were officers assaulting the individual named Anthony Keith.
Also to note, Michonne knew one of the officers that was part of the attack. The police attack was stopped, but a protest formed outside of Michonne’s house because she is the lawyer inside The Commonwealth. We find out hours later that Anthony passed away and the protest turned into a full scale riot.

Because Michonne is seen as a higher class member of The Commonwealth due to her status as a lawyer, the residends were not sure if she was on their side as they wanted justice for Anthony’s death by the policemen of The Commonwealth. So the protests turned into a riot and Michonne even got injured during the riot as well.
The riot stopped for good after Rick Grimes and his group showed up and Pamela asked Mercer to help stop it in issue #184. A trial was then started which is something we have not seen in the comic series or the television series of The Walking Dead up to this point.
Due to the current situation of the pandemic, filming for season 11 has not begun yet. But when it does, I am pretty sure that The Commonwealth arc will begin as the comic book material started with this on issue #175 (New World Order 1 of 6). When and if they reach the material for issue #183 on season 11 or season 12, my question is, will this riot be adapted on screen.
If it is adapted on screen, it might have to be toned down due to how similar it is to the real life police incidents involving police brutality towards civilians. I also thought of this because the newest season of 13 Reasons Why also featured a protest that lead towards a riot as well. To give Netflix and Paramount credit, they filmed that episode last fall and the world was much different than it is now.
But it is not to excuse that police brutality was still happening at the time because it was. It might be too close to home to see this adapted on screen especially since The Walking Dead has a extremely diverse cast. A riot on The Walking Dead television show that was caused by police brutality would draw reactions to all the viewers worldwide to the level of when Glenn and Abraham was killed a few seasons ago.
When I seen the cover of this issue back in 2018, I was really looking forward to see what would cause that riot since that has never been seen before at the time. Now with the current situation worldwide, I am very optimistic if this will ever be adapted.
Do you think these moments will be adapted on screen?
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