My first thoughts coming out of the mid-season finale of Fear The Walking Dead is “have they lost their minds?”
Alicia’s first big episode since she returned is a major letdown. Sure, there is a story on how she escaped the bunker after the missile strike. But it leaves little to no substance to the entire story. I have zero idea what the writers were thinking when they crafted this episode. Especially the fact that there was a walker that pointed to Padre at all times. Was I supposed to believe that?
And let’s not forget that they dedicated that walker to follow them. Why would they not take its teeth out? Michonne done that with her pet walkers. It makes me wonder if the writers watched the original show.
Strand and Alicia finally had their reunion. But did it matter? No because by the end of “Padre” we are going to believe that there will be a war between Strand and Alicia’s group. This could have been set in place a few episodes prior to this. No way this needed to happen on the eighth episode.
I am also going to add that just like tonight’s World Beyond, the revelation that Alicia got bit and had her arm amputated just did not want me to care at all. Personally, I am not liking the direction with the character as she is one of my favorites on Fear. Alicia following a walker around for the location of “Padre” was an insult to her character. Absolutely ridiculous. Maybe the walker can magically use his compass mode to find Rick Grimes. I would totally believe that.

I think I have complained enough about this episode. I will praise Lennie James’ acting and stunt work as it is always great. Everything else on “Padre” can go directly in the trash. A dud episode to add in an already awful first half. I may be in the minority, but this post-nuclear bomb drop environment for this season is exposing the flaws and plot-holes of how an environment like that actually works. What worked in the previous season is not working here!
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