Hello everyone and welcome to the inaugural edition of The Comic Book Gents. Your hosts Robbie Rebel, Mark Newton and Chris Vint have a discussion about the comic books they pick up and here is a brief synopsis of what they discussed.
THAT Batgirl cover
The Retro comic book series they collect
How they got into comics
Their thoughts on the upcoming Age of Ultron movie
Their favourite and least favourite comic book movie
Secret Wars and Convergence
And so much more. If you would like to contact the gents then why not drop them an email –comicbookgents@hotmail.com. Make sure to subscribe via Itunes and as always, this is the first episode so expect bigger and better things…..we hope!
Major thanks to the ever awesome Dylan Cook for doing our logo and you can find more of his art here –http://happymonkeyshoes.deviantart.com/
Robbie’s Social media
Twitter – @Robbie_Rebel
Retro Rebel – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCRpf-q4gEpdCUfcYDSXTRYA/feed
Mark’s social media
Twitter – @Mark_Newton89
Marknewtown89 – https://www.youtube.com/user/MarkNewton89
Chris’ social media
Twitter – @Vinto316
Vintomania – https://www.youtube.com/user/Vintomania