If there are ways that I can describe “The Tyger and the Lamb”, I would say “really good.” Of the three episodes that has premiered so far on The Walking Dead World Beyond, this one is the best of the three. I said this because it addressed some of the issues from last week’s episode, and gave us more to look forward to on the next episode.
The strongest plot of “The Tyger and the Lamb” is Silas’ backstory. Well, a slight backstory. Silas was arrested for a violent crime on his flashbacks. During those flashbacks, Silas is introduced to Felix and Iris for the first time. So it is safe to say that he was not there that long before they all went on their first adventure. I am really interested to see more of what he did that lead to his arrest.
I also liked how we were able to dig deep into his state of mind when he was listening to the recordings of his grandparents. Silas must have been tramuatized from what he did. He even does not miss his mom when Iris asked him. On the surface, Silas might be seen as a weird teenager by the rest in that community. But I believe that there is something inside him that is very dark that is beyond the eye.
This may be me, but when Hope was inside that factory with that one empty, Something came to my mind. Remember that scene on Halloween when Michael Myers was going after Laurie in the closet? That jump scare scene with that empty and Hope reminded me of that particular scene in Halloween. It did caught me off guard so I liked it!
The action really picked up the tension later in the episode. Hope came up with a good plan to lure the empties using the giant horn. The strategy worked. But for christ sakes AMC, why cut away during an F-bomb moment with Hope? The sense of struggling to fix that thing would have been a better scene if it did not cut to black the way it did. Other than that, it was good to see everyone take down those empties with more caution now than how they were trying the last episode. I believe it is because there was an urgent matter that was ahead them and due to the fact that Felix was there. He did teach them, so they had to put what they learned to use.

In that same scene, Hope and Iris got into a little bit of trouble. They both almost got devoured by empties that are taller than they are. Hope and Iris saved eachother. But the key part of interest here, is that Hope told Iris the truth about the night their mom died. She told only that part of the story, but left out that it was Elton’s mom that she killed. Iris does not know that yet. When she does, it could cause a great rift. An emotional scene in my eyes.
The last six minutes of the episode told us more about CRM than any other episode of the entire franchise outside of the Season 5 premiere of Fear The Walking Dead. First, a map is in view. But this map has something interesting. When you look at the colors, you will see that the blue is friendly and the red is not friendly. The arrows also displays the positions and how they could attack. While the map will need further analysis, it is interesting to note.

Elizabeth really shows how powerful and driven she is. Especially with the propaganda that is plastered on the walls of her apartment. One of the soldiers named Barca, told Elizabeth what she did to that community was wrong. Elizabeth sees it in another way as she seen them as a threat. Elizabeth also stated that they have over two hundred thousand people that are part of the Civic Replublic Military. she also said that they are the last light of the world and reassigned him to the Health and Wealfare Complex.
This scene is interesting because it gave more context to what might have prevented Rick Grimes to leave CRM. The only way to know how, is when those movies premieres in a few years. One would think that the massive group is helping everyone. But there are bad things going on behind the scenes. The more there is to find out about CRM, the more dangerous they are.
As an episode as a whole, I really enjoyed it. I am starting to think of this as an standalone show than a show to think about the Rick Grimes movies. It is good to throw a little bit of CRM from time to time. I do feel however that there should be one episode dedicated to that mysterious group in the future.
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