Fear The Walking Dead returned tonight to kick off the sixth season. If you recall, the fifth season ended in a cliffhanger that was panned by critics. We got our question right away on the status of Morgan Jones. And that is, he is alive!
“The End is the Beginning” is the title of this episode and it matches how we view Morgan during this episode. With that out of the way, Here are the best moments from today’s episode.
The Callback to “Days Gone Bye”

I noticed this good easter egg as soon as it happened. Morgan walking into the abandoned town mirrors when Rick Grimes first entered Atlanta on The Walking Dead. The atmonsphere and mood from both scenes are exactly the same, except that Morgan was badly injured in this sense. Bonus points for Morgan getting that gun from the police car because that had to be a slight nod to Rick Grimes. I will add more to this on the final moment.
Everything with Emile

Emile was great on this episode. Actor Demetrius Grosse played a very convincing villain. Although he was killed at the end of this episode, he will remain as one of my favorite characters on Fear regardless that he only lasted one episode. He is the bounty hunter for Virginia and he did not hesitate to take the heads off of people with his big boardaxe. I just wish that he lasted much longer. I also liked the fact that he took down that water tower that Morgan slept in. Must have been a bad wakeup call for him.
The Scenery
I love the cinematography throuought the episode. It really brought out the mood that this was going to be like a western film from the last century. Mix that in with the apoclapse, you are in for a treat on the way most of those outdoor scenes are filmed.
Sending a Message to Virginia
I found this funny that Virginia wanted Morgan’s head in a box. But what she wanted, did not turn out excactly what she hoped. She did get a nice box with Morgan’s name on it. But the head in there was Emile and Morgan sent her a clear message that they will see eachother again.
“Morgan Jones is Dead”
This is one of the best lines I have heard Morgan say and Lennie James really delievered this line very well. It signifies that the old Morgan is done and the new Morgan is here. No more “Clear” or “All Life is Precious” Morgan as those days are far behind him. To me, it is the reinvention of the character and he did that in a life or death situation.
Which is why I brought up the police car as Rick Grimes life as a sherif was long behind him the second he entered Atlanta as to Morgan when he entered the small town. When this line is heard, you think back to this episode to see the changes of the character. Issac tried to bring out that old Morgan, but he is “dead” now forever. This is a memorable line that will be remembered and Virginia now has to watch out for him.
This is a really good episode to kick off the sixth season. I know that it will take some time to gain back the interest that was lost due to the season five finale. But this episode is worth the wait. Fear The Walking Dead is back on AMC Network and it is a spectacular ride!
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