Fear The Walking Dead will return in a few more weeks to premiere its sixth season. After Virginia had her pioneer members split up the group in different locations, she is on the hunt for Morgan. Speaking of Morgan, we last seen him at the closing moments of the season five finale as he was fighting for his life.
That last episode of season five drew a widespread backlash in The Walking Dead community. What everyone hopes to see is if there will be an improvement on season six. I seen the first three episodes of the season, and I will share you my thoughts of the first three episodes and what you could expect from this season.
601: The End is The Beginning
We find out that this episode picks up six weeks after the season five finale. Morgan is still hiding from Virginia and The Pioneers after all this time. There is even a bounty hunter named Josiah LaRoux that is looking for Morgan during the episode. They both do actually meet in this episode, but I will not spoil the outcome. But during this episode, he briefly befriends someone and is tasked with a small mission that he does initinally do not want to do, but he does it because the person reconized him from the tapes.
What I like about this episode, is how Morgan changed from the previous two seasons of Fear. The Morgan that you know when he wanted to go around the country to find everyone, is gone. He is a completly different character from this point on and still carries that badass nature that came with him on the main show. I also like the structure and the visual setting that is displayed especdially towards the second half of the episode. It made it seem like an old western when you piece everything together.
There is also a small easter egg from the very first episode of The Walking Dead that I noticed too when Morgan was walking to the small town.It reminded me of when Rick Grimes first went to the city as both scenes had no music and if you compare the two scenes, it is nearly shot the same way. Also, Morgan goes inside a police car to get a gun and that had to be a Rick Grimes easter egg since he was a sherif officer when they both first met.
There are a few moments on this episode that did made my head shake in a bad way. One in particular, is when Morgan was walking through the walkers while he is still bleeding from his wound. I find that very inconsistant and jarring when you put in the thought of how walkers work in that universe. My other problems with this episode, is that even though Morgan explained to a former Pioneer member how he was saved, we do not actually see who saved him. And finally, I feel that Josiah should have been used better on this episode and you will find out why I said that.
I believe if this episode started from where the finale left off to show us how Morgan survived and then continue the story with the short timejump, this episode would have flowed much better. But I also love the badass line Morgan says at the end of the episode. To me, The End is The Beginning is the reintroduction of the Morgan character and Lennie James really pulled it off from start to finish.
602: Welcome to the Club

Welcome to the Club focuses on Alicia, Strand, Daniel, and Charlie. One thing that caught my attention was the mental state of Daniel. There is something really wrong with him during this episode and I wanted to figure out what Virginia did to him. I will not tell you what happens at the end of the episode, but it is something to think about.
As far as Alicia, Strand, and Charlie go, Virginia tasks them with a mission to do inside the factory. This mission is supposed to be beneficial for them according to Virginia. But the mission itself, is very tricky and you will see that at the start of this episode. Other prisoners tried this early on, but it did not work. You will also see what happens to one prisoner that tried to run away and it is not good.
Virginia’s sister Dakota, is charming and she sees the good in Alicia, Strand, and Charlie. She helps them during a crazy sequence that involves a lot of walkers. The other takeaway I have, is the debates Alicia and Strand have over why they should not listen to anybody anymore, and why they should be leaders to themselves. There is something about Alicia being the voice of reason in the right place at the right time and that is also showcased too.
I would compare most of this episode to The Walking Dead’s The Cell as I thought that one was an underrated episode. I feel the same for this particular episode too as I believe it will be one of the more underrated episodes of the season. There is a ton of action on the second half so be on the lookout for that.
603: Alaska

Alaska is my favorite of the three. Austin Amelio and Maggie Grace nailed it with the chemistry between Dwight and Al. The unique surprises here will be the highlight of this episode. One surprise is that the building that they both need to go to for something that is CRM related, has residents that are infected by a plague. Another surprise that comes at the end of the episode, will be heart warming and satisfying. It is something Dwight fans have been waiting for ever since the main show.
About the plague, there is one scene that you may want to turn your head away the second you see it. I did that because I was disgusted. If you have a certain phobia, then this scene may not be for you. You have been warned.
When you find out the reason why this episode is named Alaska, you will most likely be sad. It is a dark backstory and it makes you think of life and how it can be taken without notice. It is also related to what Dwight and Al does during this episode from the start that gives it the name too. Dwight has been one of my favorites since the main show and Al is starting to reach up there on Fear The Walking Dead right next to Alicia, and John.
I wish that there is more for me to share about Alaska, but it would cross the spoiler territory and everyone will have to wait until they see it.
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