The back half of the tenth season of AMC’s The Walking Dead has returned last weekend and one episode everyone is looking forward to is the final episode Danai Gurira portrays Michonne. That episode will premiere within the next month.
A representative of AMC confirmed to me that 10×12 and 10×13’s airdates have been switched so Michonne’s final episode that was shot as the twelth episode, will air as the thirteenth episode and vice-versa for the other episode. The synopsis of that episode titled “What We Become” is the following: “Michonne takes Virgil back to his island to find his family; in exchange, Virgil offers weapons.” Little information is known about the episode besides what has been shown in small teasers and trailers. This will also most likely be the episode where Michonne wields Negan’s Lucille too.
The other episode that was shot as 10×13 which will now premiere as 10×12 is titled “Walk With Us” and the synopsis is “With Negan’s help, Alpha and the Whisperers attack Hilltop.” Since The Whisperer War adaptation of the TV series is starting soon, this must be when The Whisperers burned Hilltop to the ground with the flaming arrows as it happened in the comic book series.
The last time this happened for episodes that swapped airdates was back in season 7 as “The Cell” and “The Well” were swapped.
Also, both episodes will premiere on AMC Premiere two days before the live airing on that sunday.
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