This recap will be slightly different as I will put more of my input of my own opinion rather than recap the episode with my own eyes. Be warned, spoilers are ahead for the fifth season finale of Fear The Walking Dead titled “End of the Line”.
Now, on to the positives. I liked Dwight’s development on this episode. He is still convinced that Sherry wants nothing to do with him and even the radio call at the beginning of the episode got myself very excited to see Sherry. Although Dwight thinks that he is hearing things, I believe that it was her calling for him. The moment you know that he lost all hope on finding her is when he given John and June their wedding rings that originally belonged to Dwight and Sherry. I believe that they will reuinite in season 6 and at this point, it needs to happen. Sherry has not been seen in The Walking Dead universe since season 7 of the main show so her possible return is long overdue.
Another thing I liked about the episode is when members of Morgan’s group tried to direct the herd away from Gultch. There were cool walker kill sequences from Morgan while the walkers were on the field. Dwight almost got eaten by walkers and even while the walkers was devouring one of the horses (Also to note, Dwight found those horses at the beginning of the episode). That whole scene was worth watching and Dwight even tried to run away, but Morgan saved him from walkers approaching him since he was also injured. Alicia and Wes was painting the church that the wedding was going to take place and I wonder how much more things will she paint. At least she is no longer scared to kill walkers anymore. John and June’s wedding was beautiful and touching and I said it from the start of the season that their chemistry also kept this season going good for what it was. Jacob even officiated the wedding per John’s request on the last episode. Those are the great scenes about this episode.

With that out of the way, Morgan calling Virginia back was a mistake. His plan backfired as they all argued AGAIN while they were clearing walkers that they did not need for her to come and a few of the group was willing to accept her deal. They already did not trust her, and yet, Morgan makes the call to bring her back. This got ridicilous towards the last twelve minutes of the episode as Virginia plans to seperate the group as she did exactly that. Even Daniel and Skidmark was seperated too and went to different vehicles and seasons 1-3 Daniel would not let that **** fly. He has grown too soft this season and it hurts me to even admit that (also to note, the kids did not get any lines in this episode). Virginia even told Althea that she better tell her about the CRM group. Morgan and Grace were seperated and Grace did not want Morgan to express his feelings for her DESPITE that she feels the same way about her. After Virginia seperated everyone from eachother, it was only her and Morgan standing infront of the church. Virginia told Morgan that he is staying there alone. She pointed the gun infornt of him, they had a small scuffle, and boom, she shoots Morgan in the chest. Morgan then bleeds out and here is the moment that made my head spin in disappointment like when Vince Russo was writing WCW storylines in 2000. Over the radio, we find out that Grace does not have radaition poisoning at all. Grace is 3-4 months pregnant (are you seriously kidding me is what I said when I watched the episode). Morgan is left there alone and makes a speech all by himself while he is still bleeding from the gunshot wound. Then, walkers approach him and is inches away and the we cut to black for ANOTHER CLIFFHANGER!
Was this seriously needed? I would not be surprised if that damn helicopter group arrive in and save Morgan on the season 6 premiere. I seriously would not. It was a bad decision to pull a cliffhanger like this. If that happens, the difference between this and when CRM saved Rick is that Rick was saved on the fifth episode and this happened on the finale. You would think that they would learn their lesson for pulling the cliffhanger on The Walking Dead with Negan (Also, I still love that episode to this day for many reasons, but at least that cliffhanger was not as jarring as this one). Why do this when Morgan is shot?! If he was shown to die right there, I would have accepted it. I really would. Now that the group has been separated, how will they know about what happened with Morgan? I can understand the frustrations with the fans of the show and I can sympathize with them for this nonsense. I hope that on the next season, this does not happen ever again.
As far as Season 5 goes, I thought that this season is miles better than season 4 and John and June were the bright points of the entire season. Logan had potential, but his motive was not fully explored yet other than the oil field. Dwight also had a better transition to the show than Morgan did and he fits right with the cast. Alicia’s PTSD about not killing walkers was also a good development. The CRM group needs to be seen again in season 6 because we barely got anything with them after the first few episodes.
I also know that a large portion of the fans did not like the found footage, documentary style episodes, but I loved them since I like the found footage genre and the camera techniques. The season finale’s final half completely ruined the entire episode and it left a bad taste in my mouth.
INTERVIEW: Colby Minifie On Her Role as Virginia
When it is all said and done, season 5 is good despite the hiccups and I hope that the next season will improve. With the second spinoff coning next year along with The Walking Dead’s 11th season in 2020 (which will also have its 150th episode next fall), I do not know when next year that Fear will return. When it does, I will recap it again since I am a fan. If I had to describe this season in a few words despite my thoughts of the last episode, it is awesome, suspenseful, and absolutely great!
I will be livetweeting from The Walking Dead panel at New York Comic Con next week. Follow me on Instagram and Twitter @julianexcalibur for more content. Contact me at julian@alternativemindz.com.