Last week’s episode had a key element of looking forward to the future. But before we go to the future, we often look at the past. The truth or lies will always haunt one person and you will not know if you can trust that individual ever again when the truth comes out. Here is my recap and review of “Channel 5”.
The episode starts with a video being played of Virginia and her group. They are all interviewed talking about what Virginia did for them. It is done similar to the “Chanel 4” episode where Morgan and his group sent out a PSA to help people. In fact, we also see the person that repaired Morgan’s staff too. The video ends when Virginia lets the viewer know if they see someone with similar clothing as she does, let them help you. We are then shown Althea, Morgan and Tom as they all watched her video. They all made a comment about her lying in those videos. Althea tossed the TV to the ground for it to be smashed.
Most of this episode is also shown in camera view as we. June mentioned that they have been driving for five days and the reason why they are continuing to make videos is to show the viewers that they are not lying and want to show the truth. There is also only one more tank of gas as well. Morgan and Grace are talking as she made another comment about the jellybeans and Grace is dehydrated. Tom also reunited with Janice too. Al thinks that it could be from the radaition as she said that while she was interviewing June. Alicia was shown painting on a tree agaqin and she wants to keep doing it when they find a home and she says that it is the only thing left in the world that makes sense to her. Daniel radioed June and told her that the school is burned down. Wes thought that the videos of Morgan’s group were nonsense, but now he is part of it since he now believes that it is not nonsense. Grace, who is getting weaker, teaches Charlie how to play the guitar as she promised her and later in the night, they are all deciding on where to go. Victor tells tom to turn off the camera while they are discussing possible locations. A walker breaches through and Dwight takes down the walker. He found a key and a badge that belonged at Humbug’s Glutch. The same place where Dwight was found as John also stated to the group. Victor does not think that it is a good idea to go there, but Morgan wants to take the chance.

One by one, everyone is interviewed about going to the place. While Morgan is being interviewed, Charlie calls for June because Grace passed out. Morgan is worried if she can survive. June uses the ultrasound to check her neck and it she cannot tell if there is something wrong in that area. Daniel said that they should have taken everything from that mall regardless of what Grace said. Tom is then interviewed and he said that everything that Morgan did since they met, is not what Virginia did since day one. Morgan and John were looking for supplies for Grace’s care and they found nothing. John also thinks that Morgan and Grace are together and he wants to marry June once they settle in a pernament place. Althea found the things that are needed and a walker was about to take her out, but Alicia saved her. Grace awakened and is starting to feel better, but is not hopeful. Morgan is glad that she is awake too. They all also talk about the detour that they have to take in seperate interviews. A road block happens as they all noticed that the bridge has a hole so they come up with a plan to cross the bridge and fix it since the heavy vans could break the bridge. As they started to do this, the bridge started to break apart. Virginia and a few members of her group then arrive in a jeep. Virginia wants to offer to help fix the bridge, but nobody is buying it. She even mentions Sherry and Dwight wantst to kill her right there. She said that she was last seen a few months ago and knew that she was looking for Dwight. Morgan told his entire group if anyone wanted to go with her, they can. Nobody moved after she said that.
Virginia then ordered her men to shoot in the air to attract walkers since she seen a herd nearby. Walkers start arriving and Morgan, Al, Victor, and Dwight start killing walkers and the rest crossed the bridge and tried to fix it. Moments later, the gas truck fell through the bridge and as Tom was on the ground and still recording, the bridge collapsed and he fell too. Al and Morgan was watching his tape and the power runs out. Morgan had a speech with everyone about not giving up and moving forward since it is not the end of the road. They all travel on foot to Glutch and John wants Jacob to officiate his wedding with June and also wants Morgan to bet he best man. They all arrive to see that it has been overrun by walkers. At this point, everyone feels hopeless since they also have no food or water or supplies. Dwight wants to go on his own, and they all debated to either call Virginia or not. Morgan calls for Virginia on the radio for help as the episode ends.

This episode is a solid one and I am happy to see the entire cast together as one again. This episode also reminded me of “Them” on The Walking Dead in many ways. We finally see that the group is now on the lowest point of survival and they desperately need help. One thing I also learned, is that bridges are not friendly in the universe of The Walking Dead too. Next week is the final episode of the season so who knows what will happen?
Follow me on Instagram and Twitter @julianexcalibur for more content. Contact me at julian@alternativemindz.com.