I can count how many times I have seen everyone pointing guns at eachother numerous times in this episode, but it did not take away my enjoyment at all since I did really like this episode. Now that Logan and his crew are at the oil field, will they take it away from the group? Here is my review and recap of “Leave What You Don’t”.
The episode opens as we are shown a shot of Logan’s truck. As he is writing on a box, a woman named Serena says that she needs help over the walkie-talkie. Logan answers and told her that he is on his way to his save her. When he goes to the location of where she is, he finds out that walkers are devouring her which makes us thinks that she is dead. Logan kills the four walkers by shooting them and then leaves the place and cries because he could not save Serena. Moments later, a group riding horses approaches him The leader of that group Virginia, gives him his condolences and also told him that she has been watching him for a while.
Max and Dylan use the mice to put them in cages so that way, their makeshift oil refinery could work as the walkers are turning it around by being attracted by the mice. Lucianna and Wendell then have a conversation and then, Logan breaks through as him and his group are now inside the oilfield. Logan and everyone else gets out of the cars and truck and demands the oil. Alicia is painting a pheonix on a tree and strand makes a good comment about it. They also begin to talk about Wes and then, someone radios Alicia and gives her the location. Alicia asked June and John if they can get her, but they could not so Alicia and Strand decide to help her. Strand is curious if Logan is drawing them away, but Alicia does not want the gas to be wasted. Logan examines the oil field and the way the walkers are being used to draw the oil. Logan then burns Clayton’s journals and told Lucianna that he is helping people, but not the same way that they are. Lucianna also refused to show Logan how to make the gas. Rollie tells Logan over the walkie talkie that they have encountered a road block and Logan told him to get it out the way. As Rollie was about to, Sarah and Dwight trap them and Sarah even fires a warning shot when he did not want to listen. Sarah forced Rollie to come with them back to the oil field.
The fire at the oil field is getting stronger and if it gets bigger, then the oil will not be of any use. Dwight and Sarah arrive with Rollie and tells Logan and his men to leave. While Logan is not listening to them, John shoots down one of the walkers that were pumping the oil. Logan even made a comment that the show is just beginning and that they are staying. Logan goes back and forth with Lucianna, Sarah, and Dwight about who goes and who stays. Logan says that the kids can be let go. But they do not want to despite that they have to. Alicia radios the woman and lets her know that she is still on their way. The gas has run out in their car and Alicia and Strand decide to run to the location. Logan told Sarah about the person he tried to help over the radio recently and he told them again that they should go for good. John and June also notices the incoming walker horde from their distance.

Night time at the oil field and the walkers are walking off the cliff of the field. John is starting to shoot the ones down before they go to the cliff, but some of them (and ongoing) is still falling and many of them are splattered on the ground from the hard fall like watermelons. Logan tells his group to kill the walkers while he tries to pump the oil. Dwight and Wes debate about leaving or getting their weapons to defend the place. One walker tried to bite Logan at his leg and Doris (the female soldier) did not want to follow Logan’s rules anymore after he got obsessive about the oil. As Lucianna and the rest are about to leave, Sarah realizes that she cannot leave Logan behind so she goes back to save him. Alicia and Strand are still running to the place, and Sarah and Logan goes inside a shed. The woman makes contact over the radio and Logan realizes that Serena is still alive. Logan could not help her besides telling her where the gun is since the walkers are trying to break in from where she is. Serena told Logan that there is only one bullet left. Serena then decides to shoot herself at the head. Everyone hears one single shot over the radio and assumed that she killed herself, but more shots are heard as Wes saved her. John and June was also about to take down a walker and then Jacob, Charlie, and Tess showed up to help them.
Alicia and Strand finally meet up with Serena and reuinted with Wes as he told them how he tracked her down. Serena told them that she ran away from a group (I believe that she was part of Virginia’s group). John and Jacob clear up the rest of the walkers and Logan and Sarah talk about saving Serena. Then, Logan’s group come out to point guns at everyone and Logan ordered them to put their guns down as he thinks that they can now compromise with the oil. While he is still talking, out of nowhere, he is shot and killed along with his entire group. Shocking! Virginia and her massive group of cowboys and cowgirls on horses arrive and told Lucianna and the rest that she killed them because she thinks that he was lying and that she was watching them for a while as well due to the tapes. One key of note is that Virginia says that she knows that Sherry is alive and that gave Dwight hope as he wanted to go with her. The group is not convinced about her, but Lucianna gave her an oil tanker after the standoff. Lucianna then offers to help and stay at the oil field as the episode ends.

Logan getting killed made my jaw drop as I did not see it coming at all. We almost went an entire season without a main character death until now so it is safe to say that it was totally worth it. He tried to help someone and at the end, it end up with him being dead. Now that Virginia is here to help aid the group, it opens more questions of how she can help other than making promises. If she really knows if Sherry is alive, then there is hope that Dwight and Sherry can reunite again. The entire night sequence is my favorite of the entire episode and seeing some of those walkers falling into the field to be smashed like watermellons is an awesome visual. John and June trying to help also got me engaged to the screen as I thought that they were going to succeed in clearing every walker. I also felt that the plot has moved forward very much on this episaode than the last few and I also think that watching the previous episode and this episode back to back is a better viewing experience. I also think that the way Dwight and Sarah’s roadblock that they caused was great too. And even the kids were not annoying this time around too which is a positive in my eyes. Overall, this is one of my favorite episodes of the season next to “Channel 4” and “Humbug’s Glutch” and I am looking forward to next week’s episode!
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