Let’s face it, last week’s episode of Fear was a big advertisement for beer that was right infront of our faces. It was mostly clunky with some good parts. We are nearly halfway through this season without a character death too, but one in particular could meet their impending doom. Here is my review for the seventh episode of the fifth season of Fear The Walking Dead titled “Still Standing”.
The episode opens with Alicia contacting the three kids as she is infront of the barricaded walkers that we have seen at the end of last week’s episode. After that, Alicia begins to take them out one by one, but before she could continue, Strand begins to shoot the walkers that are near them in that contaminated area. Charlie then tells Strand to get the propeller as she will distract the walkers. Morgan radios in and asked if they killed any of the walkers that was exposed to radaition in which Strand says no. Back to Alicia as she is still taking down the walkers and she notices that Grace is there. June then tells morgan that she will come to the area to help and also that she does not know where John went. But Morgan told her to finish the plane and then Morgan tells Grace that Strand and Charlie crashed into the contaminated area. Morgan told her that he crossed the road block and where he is heading to. Grace then tells Morgan that there is a house near by that has another suit for him to use.
Alicia then sees more walkers and Dylan appearas behind her and told her to follow him since she was going the wrong way. While Strand was dragging the propeller, more walkers that were exposed were walking towards him. Strand tells Charlie to power the balloon to make a wall to prevent the walkers from coming to them. Smart idea.
Alicia and Anne then speak after Dylan lets her inside the treehouse area. Anne keeps telling her that they did not want help and that Alicia was not supposed to be there. Anne asks Alicia about the weapon she uses and Alicia says that it is part of her past too. Alicia warns them that they will die if they stay there and Anne is still not convinced about the plane plan. Alicia says that she wanted to make up for the bad things that she did in the past and then, Anne asks her if she killed people in which Alicia says yes. Anne then says if the plane plan does not work, it will be blamed on her. Althea and June sees that the fuel is leaking from the plane and Althea lets her know that she knows where to get more. Morgan then enters the house to look for the radaition suit. Alicia then contacts Morgan to ask why are they still there and Morgan then says “everything comes with a return”. He then sees a walker on the window part of the door and then tells Alicia that he will get everyone on the plane no matter what.
June asks Althea if she was sure if the helicopter landed on the top of the cliff and Althea says that it did. June tells John that he needs to get back with them soon or else the reactor will melt down. Dwight tells John to leave so he can continue looking for Sherry. John was about to give Dwight the letter Sherry left him, but he put it back in his pocket after Dwight asked him if he would have done the same for June. Strand and Charlie think the balloon will not hold for long and Strand then tells Charlie that at first, he did not believe in the group at first and that they will not stop thinking of giving up. After that, Morgan kills the walkers on the other side of the balloon and he also has the suit on as well. While the kids were talking near the walkers in the woods, the walkers begun to break apart and started to approach them as they run.

Althea then looks at drawings of those walkers and asked Dylan if he drew them. Dylan says that he had nightmares of playing red rover before the apocalypse begun and he also states that everything is a nightmare now becuase of what happened. Alicia then brings up her mom and before she could continue, Anne yells and says that the walkers are coming. They got in, and closed the gates and there are now a swarm of walkers infront of their house. Grace is trying to power the generator and she tells Morgan that it could only hold for about 12 hours. Then Morgan tells Strand that he needs to take a shower and for both of them to get back and finish the plane. Althea and June loaded the fuel tanks in the back of the trunk as their mission was a success. June tries to contact John over the walkie-talkie and there was no response. Althea then opens up about Althea to June and lets her know that she cannot tell anyone about her.
Back to Alicia and the kids as they realize that the walkers are about to overrun the place and Alicia comes up with the plan to take them out one by one on the bridge. John and Dwight also runs out of fuel in the car that they were driving and tries to hotwire the truck that they seen across from them, but that did not work at all. John then finally admits that Sherry left him a note in the car and gives it to Dwight. This made Dwight mad as he took the note and left the truck. While that is going on, Morgan and Grace talk about the current situation of the reactor and then, we cut to Alicia as she is continuing to take out those walkers one by one. One disgusting looking walker with it’s eyeballs hanging out of the socket tries to bite Alicia, but she took that walker down. The problem after that, is that the walker was exposed to radaition and the blood got all over Alicia!!. Meanwhile, Anne, who cannot aim at all, starts to shoot down the walkers that were approaching the kids. Anne and Alicia then talk over the walkie-talke as Alicia tells her to leave the place for good or else they will get overrun.

Later that night, the kids arrive to the area in a van right after Morgan and Grace speak. Strand asks Anne for Alicia as she was not with them. Dwight also came to realize that Sherry does not want him looking for her anymore. But he does not want to give up and is convinced that she is still alive. Alicia then wipes off the blood with the water in the lake and then Morgan asks her over the walkie-talkie if she is okay and she says that she is. Before they could continue, more walkers are seen walking to her location and then the reactor siren goes off as the episode ends.
After we got another cliffhanger last week, we do not need another one. And sorry to say this Morgan, but I will have to take Chris Jericho’s line and say “WILL YOU PLEASE…SHUT…THE HELL….UP!”. It is very frustarating to see him as the voice of reason 3 episodes in a row. And Alicia’s decisions have me baffled as well. The action scenes were also good, but the scripting behind it along with the dialouge was not good for half of this episode. I did like John and Dwight’s interractions along with Strand and Charlie’s as well. The first half of the season is about to end and I hope that the mid season finale leaves off with a bang!
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