It is finally here, we will find out who the Helicopter Group are and what they are doing with Rick Grimes….Sort of, but not yet. After Althea got captured on the season premiere, we get some answers to the group with more questions still rolling through my head. Here is my review and recap of the fifth episode of season five of Fear The Walking Dead titled “The End of Everything”.
The episode opens with the scene that we have seen at the end of 501 as Althea gets captured by the armed soldier representing the “CRM” group. that scene continued as Althea wakes up to see the armed soldier signaling the helicopter with a flare. Althea then quietly walks away from the soldier to hide and she encounters a few walkers in which she takes down in easy fashion. A few more walkers appear as the soldier took them out and then proceeded to knock Althea to the ground as the helmet comes off. We find out that the soldier is a woman (more on her name later in this review). The woman asks Althea for her camera and then asks her for the tape and Althea says that it is in her boot. In the morning, we see that Althea is locked inside a car and her hands are tied. She tries to escape, but that was not working at all. She then opens the door with her foot and attracts a walker towards the car. First, she kept kicking the walker to get the barbed wire that is attached to the walker. Second, she cut herself free from using that same barbed wire. After that, she repeadly shuts the car door on the walker to put it down in gruesome fashion. A whole lot of blood to see there.

Althea then finds the three-ring logo helicopter and tries to contact Morgan. She wanted to take the helicopter, but it is out of fuel. The woman soldier then takes Althea out of the helicopter and tells another soldier on the radio about the fuel. Althea then asks her “what’s a reclimation team?” and she did not respond. The woman then threatens her after knocking Althea down and proceeded to interrogate her about the tape as that is important to her. Althea says to her that she should not break her leg and that she wants a story before she gets the tape. While they plan to get fuel, the drive to the location and in that car, Althea asks about the three-ring logo, and the map along with her name and the woman refuses to speak again so Althea calls her “happy”. They arrive to the large cliff that they have to climb as the soldier tells her to put the suit on or else she would get bit but Althea tells her that she does not follow her orders. A walker then fell from the cliff to where they are at and the soldier puts down the walker with the blade of the gun and then a huge boulder falls on the car. Althea had a close call with a walker as the walker bit the arm part of the suit she was wearing and she was unaffected. The soldier finally then watches the tape as it shows a woman talking while gunfire is heard in the background. The soldier tells Althea that if she sees someone with the same jacket that she has on, then she should be afraid.
They both then go back to the car and talk about camping for the night and for Althea to get her foot better for the next day since they will have to climb. They are finally in the tent and the soldier begins to talk about why she killed her partner. Another smart thing that they did was hang the tent in the air while they are in it. I never knew tents could be done like that so that was new for me to see. In the morning, they both begin to climb the clif and they also see that a walker is stuck up there hanging as well. They almost struggled getting to the top as the soldier fell, but was still attached to the hiking equipment line. While that happened, Althea tried to help and the walker that is hanged tried to attack Althea. Al then started reaching the blade that was visible on the walker and finally got it to take the walker down. After they both reach the top, The soldier talks about the reasoning of the supply trade and also mentions that the radaition killed her partner. She then shows Althea a helicopter pad and a walker falls over. Althea then takeas her gun and interrogates the soldier and the soldier tells Althea that she cannot tell where she is from. The soldier also tells Althea to not try to find her and that nobody cannot ever see her. She also then finally says her name which is Isabelle and she is from Idiana. She asked for the tape and then she burned it too. They both kiss after talking and they both parted ways after it.

We also find out here that she is the one that flew the helicopter everyone seen at the last episode and we also found out that she was the armed soldier that the the kids seen taking down the walker in the last episode as well. Althea contacts Morgan and then they meet up to update eachother on what happened. Out of the blue, Althea tells Morgan and Alicia her last name and about her parents. They walk off as the episode ends.
This episode is far better than last week’s episode, but we did not get enough of the Helicopter Group/CRM but hopefully, we see them again a few episodes from now. The episode could have been much better if some of the adventure was cut down, but I see why it was included since she was not with the group for three days. I will be back next week for another Fear The Walking Dead review!
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