For the second Sunday in a row, Fear The Walking Dead has made me look forward to the next episode. We had a schocking plot twist at the end of the last episode that connects with The Walking Dead and now that Althea is kidnapped by the helicopter group, the group now searches for her. What are my thoughts of the second episode of the fith season? I will let you know right now as I give my thoughts of the brand new episode titled “The Hurt That Will Happen”.
The episode opens with a recorded video of Strand giving a message to Sarah, Wendell, and Charlie as if he was giving them a final message. Right after that, he shuts the camera off and gets out of the truck. He then walks alone to a gated area to see a cat and then one walker approaches him and falls straight through a sharp bar. After that, Strand realizes that Daniel is behind him pointing a gun and Daniel asks him why he is there. While Strand is telling him, Daniel shoots his gun. I liked how they made it seem like Daniel shot his gun at Strand only for the next shot to be seen that he shot a walker. Daniel tells Strand to come inside with him as it is not safe outside to talk. He even tells the cat to go inside with him as well.

John and Alicia are on the radio talking about Althea as they are searching for her and Morgan alerts them and shows them that all of the supplies and guns are missing as well. Alicia takes out three walkers after that and I must say, I like the weapon she has now as her signature weapon.
June takes off the bandage that Luciana has to check her nasty wound as John walks in to let them know that they have not found Althea. Back to o Daniel and Strand, Strand wants to know if Daniel has a small plane and Strand tells him that Althea is the reason he went to look for him. Strand also updates Daniel about Madison and Nick being gone and Strand asks Daniel if he can borrow one of his airplanes. Daniel does not trust him at all. Back to Morgan and Alicia as they see a road block with “DANGER KEEP OUT” written on all of the cars with radiation signs on them. Morgan and Alicia debate about going through the barrier. They also investigated the forest area until they are in trouble with a few gross looking walkers. I thought nothing of this initinally until a few miniutes later when a woman in a full body suit saves them.
The woman tells Morgan to take off all of his clothes. Alicia comes to stop the woman from shooting Morgan and interrogates her about Althea. The woman, who we now know her name is Grace, tells the both of them a reactor melted down a year ago and most of the area is contaminated along with the walker that they just killed. Grace says that Morgan needs to take a shower or else it will get worse for him. Can I also say that there are two crows in a cage above them? That might be some foreshadowing. Grace tells them that she seen the plane crash from a distance. Alicia questions if the area is even safe based on the information Grace tells them and Grace even tries to ask Alicia “the questions” about how many she has killed.

John and June goes to a house full of walkers and Strand tries to contact them by the radio in which he did not get a response since the signal was not strong with them. Strand tries to convince Daniel that he is not the same man from Mexico and Daniel made a funny comment about his haircut (I wonder who is the hair stylist of the apoclapse hehe). Grace does radaition testing of the area as Morgan kills a walker and I laughed when Morgan had on a shirt that said “Don’t Mess With Texas”. We also find out that it was Grace that set those traps for the walkers in the previous episode. More walkers come in and one of them is affected by radiation. A few of them also gets stuck in the mud. Alicia clears the walkers in fashion and one of the walkers try to bite Alicia and while I wqas watching this scene, I thought the whole time why didn’t Grace help her from the start instead of focusing on the radaition. Alicia could have died right there if she did not help her sooner. Grace also mentions that she used to work at the radaition power plant and told them about why she left and what she went through. John and Alicia are on the radio and Grace tells them over the radio to not touch anything. They go to the house that are full of walkers and Grace thinks that the walkers inside could have been people who were affected by the radaition meltdown before they turned.
Luciana contacts Strand and she gives him her location. She also tells him that they cannot stay there for long and the wind took down the attena so their contact has been cut. John and June (Also, my favorite couple of the show so far) tells her to stay inside, but Luciana refuses as walkers are approaching. She tries to shoot them with her working arm but that was not happening. Luciana returns and shuts the door. Alicia and Morgan talk about the three kids being right about Logan. Here comes my favorite dialogue of the episode and that is between Morgan and Alicia as Morgan talks about what he went through a few years ago. I also thinks that Morgan’s stick should never go missing at all from now on. Grace tells them that she cannot risk anymore people to be killed and tells the group that she will leave. Morgan tells her the walkie talkie channel as they part ways. After that, the group sees more walker heads under a billboard as they realize that someone knows that they are there. The episode ends as Daniel wants Strand to leave as he is not giving him the plane. Strand walks away from Daniel and Daniel told him the next time he comes back, he will kill him.
This was a great episode with a few head scratching moments such as Grace not helping Alicia sooner qand Luciana trying to kills walkers while she is very injured. I want to also say that Grace’s intruduction was handled greatly well and she did not seem like a random character at all. I believe that Grace will be a big part of the season when she returns. John and June’s chemisty on this season so far reminds me of Glenn and Maggie’s chemistry on the earlier seasons of The Walking Dead and so far, I am loving it. I also wonder when we will see Althea again after last week’s episode. I will be back for next week’s episode for another review!
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